Search Results: "Mark Shuttleworth"

28 December 2008

Theodore Ts'o: Debian, Philosophy, and People

Given the recent brouhaha in Debian, and General Resolution regarding Lenny s Release policy as it relates to Firmware and Debian s Social Contract, which has led to the resignation of Manoj Srivastava from the position of Secretary for the Debian Project, I m reminded of the following passage from Gordon Dickson s Tactics of Mistakes (part of Dickson s Childe Cycle, in which he tells the story of the rise of the Dorsai):
No, said Cletus. I m trying to explain to you why I d never make an Exotic. In your calmness in the face of possible torture and the need to kill yourself, you were showing a particular form of ruthlessness. It was ruthlessness toward yourself but that s only the back side of the coin. You Exotics are essentially ruthless toward all men, because you re philosophers, and by and large, philosophers are ruthless people. Cletus! Mondar shook his head. Do you realize what you re saying? Of course, said Cletus, quietly. And you realize it as well as I do. The immediate teaching of philosophers may be gentle, but the theory behind their teaching is without compunction and that s why so much bloodshed and misery has always attended the paths of their followers, who claim to live by those teachings. More blood s been spilled by the militant adherents of prophets of change than by any other group of people down through the history of man.
The conflict between idealism and pragmatism is a very old one in the Free and Open Source Software Movement. At one end of the spectrum stands Richard Stallman, who has never compromised on issues regarding his vision of Software Freedom. Standing at various distances from this idealistic pole are various members of the Open Source Community. For example, in the mid-1990 s, I used to give presentations about Linux using Microsoft Powerpoint. There were those in the audience that would give me grief about using a non-free program such as MS Powerpoint, but my response was that I saw no difference between driving a car which had non-free firmware and using a non-free slide presentation program. I would prefer to use free office suite, but at the time, nothing approached the usability of Powerpoint, and while dual-booting into Windows was a pain, I could do a better job using Powerpoint than other tools, and I refused to handcap myself just to salve the sensibilities of those who felt very strongly about Free Software and who viewed the use of all non-Free Software as an ultimate evil that must be stamped out at all costs. It is the notion of Free Software as a philosophy, with no compromises, which has been the source of many of the disputes inside Debian. Consider, if you will, the first clause of the Debian Social Contract:
Debian will remain 100% free We provide the guidelines that we use to determine if a work is free in the document entitled The Debian Free Software Guidelines. We promise that the Debian system and all its components will be free according to these guidelines. We will support people who create or use both free and non-free works on Debian. We will never make the system require the use of a non-free component.
This clause has in it no room for compromise. Note the use of words such as 100% free and never make the system require the use of a non-free component (emphasis mine). In addition, the Debian Social Contract tends to be interpreted by Computer Programmers, who view such imperatives as constraints that must never be violated, under any circumstances. Unfortunately, the real world is rarely so cut-and-dried. Even the most basic injunctions, such as Thou shalt not kill have exceptions. Few people might agree with claims made by the U.S. Republican Party that the war in Iraq qualified as a Just War as defined by Thomas Aquinas, but rather more people might agree that the July 20, 1944 plot to assassinate Hitler would be considered justifiable. And most people would probably agree most of the actions undertaken by the Allied Soldiers on World War II battlefields that involved killing other soldiers would be considered a valid exception to the moral (and for those in the Judeo-Christian tradition, biblical) injunction, Thou shalt not kill . As another example, consider the novel and musical Les Mis rables, by Victor Hugo. One of the key themes of this story is whether or not Thou shalt not steal is an absolute or not. Ultimately, the police inspector Javert, who lived his whole life asserting that law (untempered by mercy, or any other human considerations) was more important than all else, drowns himself in the Seine when he realizes that his life s fundamental organizing principle was at odds with what was ultimately the Right Thing To Do. So if even the sixth and eighth commandments admit to exceptions, why is it that some Debian developers approach the first clause of the Debian Social Contract with a take-no-prisoners, no-exceptions policy? Especially given the fourth clause of the Debian Social contract:
Our priorities are our users and free software We will be guided by the needs of our users and the free software community. We will place their interests first in our priorities. We will support the needs of our users for operation in many different kinds of computing environments. We will not object to non-free works that are intended to be used on Debian systems, or attempt to charge a fee to people who create or use such works. We will allow others to create distributions containing both the Debian system and other works, without any fee from us. In furtherance of these goals, we will provide an integrated system of high-quality materials with no legal restrictions that would prevent such uses of the system.
This clause does not have the same sort of absolutist words as the first clause, so many Debian Developers have held that the needs of the users is defined by 100% free software . Others have not agreed with this interpretation but regardless of how needs of the users should be interpreted, the fact of the matter is, injuctions such as Thou shalt not kill are just as absolute and yet in the real world, we recognize that there are exceptions to such absolutes, apparently unyielding claims on our behavior. I personally believe that 100% free software is a wonderful aspirational goal, but in particular with regards to standards documents and firmware, there are other considerations that should be taken into account. People of good will may disagree about what those exceptions should be, but I think one thing that we should consider as even higher priority and with a greater claim on how we behave is the needs of our users and fellow developers as people. For those who claim Christianity as their religious tradition, Jesus once stated,
Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy mind. This is the first and great commandment. And the second is like unto it: Thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself. On these two commandments hang all the law and the prophets.
Even for those who do not claim Christianity as their religious tradition, most moral and ethical frameworks have some variant on the Golden Rule: Do unto others as you would have them do unto you . I would consider, for example, that the Golden Rule is at least a high priority claim on my behavior as the notion of free speech, and in many cases, it would be a higher priority claim. The recent controversy surrounding Josselin Mouette was started precisely because Joss has taken a something which is a good thing, namely Free Speech, and relegated it to a principle more important than all else, and claiming that any restraint on such a notion was equivalent to censorship. I think the same thing is true for free software, although it is a subtler trap. Philosophical claims than 100% free software as most important consideration is dangerously close to treating Free Software as the Object of Ultimate Concern or in religious terms, idolotry. For those who are religious, it s clear why this is a bad thing; for those who aren t if you are unwilling to worship a supernatural being, you may want to very carefully consider whether you are willing to take a philosophical construct and raise it to a position of commanding your highest allegiance to all else, including how you treat other people. Ultimately, I consider people to be more important than computers, hardware or software. So over time, while I may have had some disagreements with how Mark Shuttleworth has run Canonical Software and Ubuntu (but hey, he s the multimillionaire, and I m not), I have to give him props for Ubuntu s Code of Conduct. If Debian Developer took the some kind of Code of Conduct at least as seriously as the Social Contract, I think interactions between Debian Developers would be far more efficient, and in the end the project would be far more successful. This may, however, require lessening the importance of philosophical constructs such as Free Speech and Free Software, and perhaps becoming more pragmatic and more considerate towards one another.

29 September 2008

Julian Andres Klode: juliank

The most important birthdays in the FLOSS world this year (where age mod 5 = 0):
  • 10 years: Google (September), Open Source Initiative (February)
  • 15 years: Debian, FreeBSD, NetBSD
  • 25 years: GNU
  • 35 years: Ian Murdock (April), Mark Shuttleworth (September)
  • 55 years: Richard Stallman (March)
Posted in General      

16 September 2008

Mike Hommey: Finally, some sense

The Firefox EULA debacle is over. While this is nice, especially because they retracted, there are several things at stake here. Update: there is a nice article on the EULA issue on Groklaw.

MJ Ray: Web Foundation and While I Was Out

I concentrated on work after my return to the keyboard last week and then spent much of the weekend reroofing a shed, so today was my first day catching up with the news. Here’s what I noticed:-

15 September 2008

Jeff Licquia: Free Software EULAs?

Ubuntu is now being forced to show a EULA before letting users run Firefox, on pain of losing the rights to the Firefox trademark. (You know, End User License Agreements: those pop-ups Windows and Mac users have to put up with all the time, with the big “I Accept” button at the bottom.) Mark Shuttleworth, Ubuntu top dog, weighs in on the bug:
Please feel free to make constructive suggestions as to how we can meet Mozilla’s requirements while improving the user experience. It’s not constructive to say “WTF?”, nor is it constructive to rant and rave in allcaps. Your software freedoms are built on legal grounds, as are Mozilla’s rights in the Firefox trademark. To act as though your rights are being infringed misses the point of free software by a mile.
This is a bit surprising, and a bit disappointing. Both the decision itself, and Mark’s take on it, are quite wrong. One of the most important benefits of free software is the legal agreement you work in. You don’t have to agree to some long contract every time you need to do something new on your system, or sometimes even when you get a “critical update” to something you’re already doing. You don’t have to read pages of legalese, or go through some long process with your company’s legal department, or just click the “make it go away” button with this vague unease that you’ve just signed your first-born child away to the Devil. Most importantly, you feel like you actually own your computer when you run free software on it. When you enter a situation where you always have to ask permission to do things, and have to be constantly reminded of the rules, you don’t feel comfortable. Clearly, the thing in front of you is not yours, whatever your credit card bill might say; if it were, there wouldn’t be all this stress over you doing something the real owners don’t like. Free software returns your computer to you, by guaranteeing that you don’t have to enter into all these contracts before you can use it. Well, unless that “free” software is Firefox 3.0.2 or later, it seems. It’s “free” by a technical definition (you can strip the Firefox trademark rather easily, and get rid of the EULA as well). But when users fire up Ubuntu, and decide to do some browsing, and get confronted with pages of legal garbage and ALL CAPS, they will ask: “What’s so different about this open source stuff? I thought I was getting rid of all this legal crap.” And, suddenly, they’re slogging through the same drudgery they had to endure with every Windows service pack, and they wonder what they’ve gained. Perhaps there is a price we should be willing to pay to help Mozilla preserve their trademarks, but this price is too great. Mozilla should never have asked this of us, and Ubuntu should never have decided, on our behalf, that this price was acceptable. Debian has already turned its back on Firefox, and I have yet to have a problem with Iceweasel (the branding Debian chose for its Firefox-alike) that was caused by the branding change. But I’m tempted to bring it back, in Debian’s “non-free” software repository. Perhaps we could provide Firefox, complete with nasty EULA, but launch Iceweasel instead of Firefox if the user clicks “No”. There are probably all kinds of reasons why this is a bad idea, but I’m still drawn to the idea of illustrating how silly and useless click-through EULAs are. But it would be much more productive for Mozilla to back down, and not ask us to sacrifice such a large part of our identity on the altar of their sacred mark. UPDATE: First, I notice I was remiss in not giving a hat tip to Slashdot. Second, Mark has posted another comment on the bug. I encourage people to read the whole comment, but here’s a telling part:
For example, at the moment, we’re in detailed negotiations with a
company that makes a lot of popular hardware to release their drivers as
free software - they are currently proprietary. It would not be possible
to hold those negotiations if every step of the way turned into a public
discussion. And yet, engaging with that company both to make sure Ubuntu
works with its hardware and also to move them towards open source
drivers would seem to be precisely in keeping with our community values. In this case, we have been holding extensive, sensitive and complex
conversations with Mozilla. We strongly want to support their brand
(don’t forget this is one of the few companies that has successfully
taken free software to the dragons lair) and come to a reasonable
agreement. We want to do that in a way which is aligned with Ubuntu’s
values, and we have senior representatives of the project participating
in the dialogue and examining options for the implementation of those
agreements. Me. Matt Zimmerman. Colin Watson. Those people have earned
our trust.
On the one hand, yes, I believe that the Canonical people have earned our trust, and I do appreciate the utility of quiet persuasion with a proprietary software company that doesn’t understand our community. On the other hand, I had been under the impression that Mozilla was not a proprietary software company, and didn’t need persuasion and secret negotiations to see our point of view. Is Mozilla still a free software company, or not? UPDATE 2: Cautious optimism is appropriate, I think. Mitchell Baker, Mozilla chair:
We (meaning Mozilla) have shot ourselves in the foot here given the old, wrong content. So I hope we can have a discussion on this point, but I doubt we ll have a good one until we fix the other problems.
The actual changes aren’t available yet, and I wonder how much of this had been communicated to Canonical beforehand. Still, it’s a good sign.

24 August 2008

Jonathan McDowell: DebConf8 writeup

I took a note of the various talks I attended at DebConf, with the aim of writing a few notes about each so that I could try to explain to my work mates exactly what I get out of going. However I think a lot of the benefit is about general face to face contact with fellow DDs and random conversations that happen. Having worked from home for over 3 years I'm finding it quite nice to be back in an office with people working on the same things as me; there are conversations that you will have over a quick cup of coffee or in the corridor that you wouldn't bother typing on IRC or email or picking up the phone for. Debian is a lot like a large organisation full of telecommuters and DebConf provides a vital opportunity for us to have those "minor" conversations that prove quite useful and to remind each other what we're actually like in person. I didn't end up writing a lot of notes during the talks so these are just snippets after the fact. If I'd been more organised I'd have done a write up on a daily basis rather than leaving it all until the week after. A lot of the below is fragmented thoughts, but the longer I leave it the less relevant it gets and the more chance I forget something. It'd have been up faster if I hadn't been fighting Movable Type to try and get some sort of headings. Sunday
Introduction, Marga The "Welcome to DebConf" bit. Marga got up and talked about how at DebConf4 (Brazil) she hadn't been a DD and now she was and how it had been a life changing event. She'd thought she was to blame for DebConf8 in Argentina, but trawling mail archives had shown it was originally Mart n's idea. She hadn't realised at the start quite how much work it would be. Steve's DPL talk, Steve McIntyre The DPL welcomes us to DebConf and talks about Debian's achievements, some of the results of his team survey (the teams largely say they need more manpower. Not really a huge surprise.). NM/User Survey BOF, Paul Wise Paul emailed debian-user, debian-newmaint and various other places (I think) asking about people's experiences as a Debian user or applicant to New Maint. His final results aren't yet published and I got the impression a disappointing number of our users had replied. The NM problems these days seem to be largely down to a lack of AMs, at least according to the stats on Meet SPI board - bdale, maulkin, jimmy, michael, others A chance to meet those of the SPI board who were present. The usual "If you're involved with Debian you should seriously consider joining SPI". Some discussion about the fact that although SPI was originally mostly Debian these days other projects are making more and more use of it - OFTC, PostgreSQL and Madwifi for example. Not a huge amount of new information for me. I've been an SPI member for some time and I think they perform a vital role for Debian. They've had issues in the past but it's really good to see them overcome and more projects on board. Monday, bdale Bdale talks about the history of Debian and HP. And makes the point that HP aren't doing any of this to be "nice"; their primary responsibility is to their shareholders. Not surprising, but it's good that even with that criteria at the fore front Debian ends up a good idea for a large multinational. Managing 666 packages, Mart n Ferrari Mostly centered around the pkg-perl experience and the tools/workflow they have to help manage things. Impressive web tool (DEHS) to help track packages with new upstreams, issues or pending uploads. Quality Assurance in Lenny + 1 I can't remember a lot of this, which is a bit bad. I remember a discussion about whether we should release with orphaned packages, or if they should be removed. The argument for not removing them seemed to revolve around a theory that if they weren't buggy then what was the harm, the argument for was that if they were unmaintained and not really used than how did we actually know they weren't buggy, and was it reasonable that they potentially held up library transitions etc? Bugs in large packages Don Armstrong and ways in which the BTS can help people with lots of bugs. This (thankfully) doesn't affect me, but it was interesting to hear Don talk about his work on the BTS and his various ideas. I was sorry I'd missed his talk on SOAP access to it; I shall have to find time to watch the video. Tuesday
Debian and Ubuntu, Mark Shuttleworth The usual interaction with Debian stuff, including how we interact with our upstreams. If a bug is raised with an Ubuntu package then it might well be appropriate to raise it with Debian and upstream as well, but each set of people should be able to use their own bug reporting systems rather than having to go to a foreign system. I don't think it was actually said, but I guess the idea is that launchpad is the thing that will do this gluing together. He also talked about Ubuntu as an "experiment" rather than a fork of Debian; something that has potentially different ideas about how to do things but that these ideas may lead to things that should be fed back into Debian. The point was made that even if you consider Ubuntu a fork they've forked 9 times now; it hasn't been a case of forking once and diverging wildly since thast point. I have a few thoughts on all the whole Debian/Ubuntu stuff which I should really try to form into something coherant and post. I think it's important to take Mark's talk in the context of bdale's "Shareholders come first" point. Derivatives round table Didn't stay for most of this. Ubuntu, Debian-EDU (which I hadn't realised was a derivative rather than a team within Debian, but apparently there are various things it was much easier for them just to patch now and try to work towards a generic solution later), someone from Extramadura and someone from the Munich government Linux stuff. I'm sure I've missed someone off. tdebs/i18n This was a useful BOF. It helped that we said no to the usual video team requirement that if you want to speak you had to wait for the microphone. This works fine for a normal talk, but really impedes the flow of conversation in something like a BOF. tdebs are something that have partly come from a need of Emdebian to reduce installed package size and partly from the desire of the i18n team to be able to update package translations without having to do a full binary NMU of a package. We had some of the FTP team, the release team, the i18n team and Emdebian there and I think some progress has been made. There'd been various conversations had before this meeting which I think helped people think about the issues and objections so that we had answers by the time we all sat down together - an excellent example of the use of DebConf. DebConf9 C ceres Various bits of discussion about next year's DebConf in Extramadura. Temperature is likely to be an issue for me as they reckon it could easily get up to 40C! I'll melt! Venue sounds good; some queries regarding late night hacklabs and net connections to same, but I'm sure the networking team will sort it all out as usual. ;) DebConf10 bids Venezela and New York were both pitching. Lots of people don't want to travel to the US or think they'll have problems doing so (I hadn't realised there was such an issue for people from South America). I suspect various people will have issues with Venezela as well; I heard expressions of doubt over their political stability expressed. However I'd be happy to go to either (and preferably both! DebConf10 + 12 perhaps?) Speaking of which, what ever happened to the Sarajevo bid? If they're reading, have you considered DebConf11? Wednesday
A day trip to an Argentinian ranch and lunch was an asido. Fantastic food and a pleasant afternoon spent sitting in the sun chatting to people. That evening was the formal, but thanks to having stayed up until after 4 on Tuesday I had to wimp out and go to bed fairly early. Not until I'd seen the DPL dance though. :) Thursday
Internationalization in Debian I forget most of this other than pretty graphs from Christian regarding what's translated and what other languages we might have; e.g. you can consider South America to be covered largely by Spanish and Portuguese, or you can consider it to not be covered very much at all by the local indigenous languages. dh-make-webapp: yeah right! Mainly what I took away from this was "It'll never happen thanks to the fact that every web app author uses a different system" and that more work needs to be done on the web apps best practices document. I don't really do web apps, but having them easily installable on my systems is a good thing so I hope some standardisation within Debian comes from this. Best practises in team-maintaining packages Various team members got up to talk about work flow in their teams. Not unsurprisingly different things seem to work for different people. Predictable PRNG in the Vulnerable Debian OpenSSL Package Lucian giving his Black Hat talk about the OpenSSL issues we faced earlier this year. Some queries about automated testing and that it should have found this, which originally I agreed with until I thought about it - you'd have to have run > 65536 tests and compared all the data to find this; something like the FIPS tests against a single run wouldn't have shown any issues. Lucian wanted feedback on ensuring he was presenting the Debian side of things acceptably as well. Keysigning Run by Don Armstrong. Nothing to really remark except I think key signing attendance is dropping off after things like the Helsinki experience. Also I've now managed to get my new RSA key signed by keys other than my own (and I'll try to get sorted out to sign keys myself soon). Friday
LessWatts Intel's drive towards reducing power usage. Odd to hear such things from someone who wasn't Matthew Garrett and I think I'd heard most of it before. Debian technical policy update Sorry Manoj, I should have been paying more attention. Debian Policy is something I think is important, but I'm not enough of a nitpicker to really feel I can contribute a whole lot. Virtualisation in Debian - Present and future This was depressing. What I took away was "We had 2 forms of virtualisation in etch (Xen + vserver) and we're supporting neither for Lenny". As someone running a Xen machine this is problematic. The host does have the hardware support that would allow kvm, but I'm worried about smooth migration (it's a colo box). There was some mention of Xenner, which isn't packaged for Debian. I took a look at doing so but there are some worrying items in the TODO list (like, oh, locking to enable reliable SMP) and I've spectacularly failed to get it compiling so far. I should have another go. Emdebian update Neil Williams about where Emdebian is and waved his Balloon3 about. Some interest from the Openmoko guys and discussion about why it might be better than OpenEmbedded. And equally what it couldn't do that OpenEmbedded can manage (mainly very small installs; a minimal Emdebian install is 24MB+ and with X that goes up to 75MB+ I believe). netconf I'd never actually seen Martin talk about netconf before. Am impressive flow of control diagram. It all sounds quite complex for little benefit at present, but if he pulls it off then I can see it being a much more flexible replacement for the likes of Network Manager. Saturday
Lenny - The Road To Release Neil played with putting the heads of the release team on random images. And tried to tell us all how to behave during the release process in terms of what should and shouldn't be uploaded etc. Most of it is just common sense, but apparently everything he talked about he'd experienced. Also pointed out we were supposed to release in 3 weeks and didn't even have the appropriate kernel in testing yet so it's probably not going to happen. Colour me surprised. Sustainable Computing Low power consumption/affordable computing. Interesting points about the OLPC being used in the middle of nowhere with no chance of an Internet connection being close by compared to neighbours in large cities where people can't necessarily afford top of the line computers or individual connections - in this sort of scenario mesh networking is really viable in terms of getting people connected up. Multi winner voting Manoj needs pretty diagrams, probably drawn by Martin Krafft. ;) Semi-interesting discussion about multi-winner voting (e.g. SPI board elections) and how the current Debian voting system is completely tied to Debian's infrastructure eg the LDAP setup. Manoj would like to make it more generic so it could be used by other groups as well as for different sorts of votes in Debian.

18 August 2008

Jurij Smakov: DebConf8 impressions

What I liked What I did not like What I did

15 August 2008

DebConf 8 video: Debian Derivers Roundtable

Participiants: Martin F Krafft <> (, Florian Maier <> (LiMux), Cesar Gomez <> (Linex), Holger Levsen <> (Debian Edu), Andreas Tille <>, Mark Shuttleworth <> (Ubuntu), Bdale Garbee (Debian)
Full event details

12 June 2008

Jeff Bailey

Dear recruiters #2: There are now *two* standards to follow: not only can you not send me posts from a noreply address, you should also try to convince me that your founders are insane ;)

I seem to have quite accidentally set a new standard in what it takes to hire me. According to Slashdot, Google co-founder Sergey Brin is planning to go to the ISS. The founder of Ubuntu, Mark Shuttleworth did the same.

" You know we're sitting on four million pounds of fuel, one nuclear weapon and a thing that has 270,000 moving parts built by the lowest bidder. Makes you feel good, doesn't it?"

Actually, looking back at almost all the jobs I've ever had, the founders or key management folks were almost *always* insane. I remember a fun conversation with Jane, the COO of Canonical about how I wanted the senior management of any place I work to have such a big vision and to drive relentlessly towards it.

I think she thought *I* was insane. Probably still does ;)

Thinking of which, I'm so happy to be back at work. I'd forgotten what the pace here was like, or maybe it's just coming off of heavy drugs and spinning up to this pace. I feel a bit like a Smart Car on the New Jersey Turnpike. I'll make freeway speeds, but I need a few more days. =)

I reduced the drugs quite rapidly in the last week, and am now down to one Ultram per day, with extra-strength Tylenol supplementing. I also got my second HIV test results back, and it's non-reactive. So it's 99% probable that the blood transfusions were clean. Yay!

16 May 2008

Russell Coker: Ideas to Copy from Red Hat

I believe that the Red Hat process which has Fedora for home users (with a rapid release cycle and new versions of software but support for only about one year) and Enterprise Linux (with a ~18 month release cycle, seven years of support, and not always having the latest versions) gives significant benefits for the users. The longer freeze times of Enterprise Linux (AKA RHEL) mean that it often has older versions of software than a Fedora release occurring at about the same time. In practice the only time I ever notice users complaining about this is in terms of OpenOffice (which is always being updated for compatability with the latest MS changes). As an aside, a version of RHEL or CentOS with a back-port of the latest OpenOffice would probably get a lot of interest. RHEL also has a significantly smaller package set than Fedora, there is a lot of software out there that you wouldn’t want to support for seven years, a lot of software that you might want to support if you had more resources, and plenty of software that is not really of interest to enterprise customers (EG games). Now there are some down-sides to the Red Hat plan. The way that they run Fedora is to have new releases of software instead of back-porting fixes. This means that bugs can be fixed with less effort (simply compiling a new version is a lot less effort than back-porting a fix), and that newer versions of the upstream code get tested. With some things this isn’t a problem, but in the past I have had problems with the Fedora kernel. One example was when I upgraded the kernel on a bunch of remote Fedora machines only to find that the new kernel didn’t support the network card, so I had to talk the users through selecting the older kernel at the GRUB menu (this caused pain and down-time). A problem with RHEL (which I see regularly on the CentOS machines I run) is that it doesn’t have the community support that Fedora does, and therefore finding binary packages for RHEL can be difficult - and often the packages are outdated. I believe that in Debian we could provide benefits for some of our users by copying some ideas from Red Hat. There is currently some work in progress on releasing packages that are half-way between Etch and Lenny (Etch is the current release, Lenny will be the next one). The term Etch and a half refers to the work to make Etch run on newer hardware [1]. It’s a good project, but I don’t think that it goes far enough. It certainly won’t fulfill the requirements of people who want something like Fedora. I think that if we had half-way releases of Debian (essentially taking a snap-shot of Testing and then fixing the worst of the bugs) then we could accommodate user demand for newer versions (making available a release which is on average half as old). Users who want really solid systems would run the full releases (which have more testing pre-release and more attention paid to bug fixes), but users who need the new features could run a half-way release. Currently there are people working on providing security support for Testing so that people who need the more recent versions of software can use Testing, I believe that making a half-way release would provide better benefits to most users while also possibly taking less resources from the developers. This would not preclude the current “Etch and a half” work of back-porting drivers, in the Red Hat model such driver back-ports are done in the first few years of RHEL support. If we were to really follow Red Hat in this regard the “Etch and a half” work would operate in tandem with similar work for Sarge (version 3.1 of Debian which was released in 2005)! In summary, the Red Hat approach is to have Fedora releases aimed at every 6 months, but in practice coming out every 9 months or so and to have Enterprise Linux releases aimed at every year, but in practice coming out every 18 months. This means among other things that there can be some uncertainty as to the release order of future Fedora and RHEL releases. I believe that a good option for Debian would be to have alternate “Enterprise” (for want of a better word) and half-way releases (comparable to RHEL and Fedora). The Enterprise releases could be frozen in coordination with Red Hat, Ubuntu, and other distributions (Mark Shuttleworth now refers to this as being a “pulse” in the free software community [], while the half-way releases would come out either when it’s about half-way between releases, or when there is a significant set of updates that would encourage users to switch. One of the many benefits to having synchronised releases is that if the work in back-porting support for new hardware lagged in Debian then users would have a reasonable chance of taking the code from CentOS. If nothing else I think that making kernels from other distributions available for easy install is a good thing. There is a wide combination of kernel patches that may be selected by distribution maintainers, and sometimes choices have to be made between mutually exclusive options. If the Debian kernel doesn’t work best for a user then it would be good to provide them with a kernel compiled from the RHEL kernel source package and possibly other kernels. Mark also makes the interesting suggestion of having different waves of code freeze, the first for the kernel, GCC, and glibc, and possibly server programs such as Apache. The second for major applications and desktop environments. The third for distributions. One implication of this is that not all distributions will follow the second wave. If a distribution follows the kernel, GCC, and glibc wave but not the applications wave it will still save some significant amounts of effort for the users. It will mean that the distributions in question will all have the same hardware support and kernel features, and that they will be able to run each others’ applications (except when the applications in question use system libraries from later waves). Also let’s not forget the possibility of running a kernel from distribution A on distribution B, it’s something I’ve done on many occasions, but it does rely on the kernels in question being reasonably similar in terms of features.

13 May 2008

Russell Coker: Release Dates for Debian

Mark Shuttleworth has written an interesting post about Ubuntu release dates [1]. He claims that free software distributions are better able to meet release dates than proprietary OSs because they are not doing upstream development. The evidence that free software distributions generally do a reasonable job of meeting release dates (and Ubuntu does an excellent job) is clear. But the really interesting part of his post is where he offers to have Ubuntu collaborate with other distributions on release dates. He states that if two out of Red Hat (presumably Enterprise Linux), Novell (presumably SLES), and Debian will commit to the same release date (within one month) and (possibly more importantly) to having the same versions of major components then he will make Ubuntu do the same. This is a very significant statement. From my experience working in the Debian project and when employed by Red Hat I know that decisions about which versions of major components to include are not taken lightly, and therefore if the plan is to include a new release of a major software project and that project misses a release date then it forces a difficult decision about whether to use an older version or delay the release. For Ubuntu to not merely collaborate with other distributions but to instead follow the consensus of two different distributions would be a massive compromise. But I agree with Mark that the benefits to the users are clear. I believe that the Debian project should align it’s release cycles with Red Hat Enterprise Linux. I believe that RHEL is being released in a very sensible manner and that the differences of opinion between Debian and Red Hat people about how to manage such things are small. Note that it would not be impossible to have some variations of version numbers of components but still stick mostly to the same versions. If Debian, Ubuntu, and RHEL released at about the same time with the same versions of the kernel, GCC, and major applications and libraries then it would make it much easier for users who want to port software between distributions and run multiple distributions on the same network or the same hardware. The Debian Social Contract [2] states that “Our priorities are our users and free software“. I believe that by using common versions across distributions we would help end-users in configuring software and maintaining networks of Linux systems running different distributions, and also help free software developers by reducing the difficulty in debugging problems. It seems to me that the best way of achieving the goal that Mark advocates (in the short term at least) is for Debian to follow Red Hat’s release cycle. I think that after getting one release with common versions out there we could then discuss how to organise cooperation between distributions. I also believe that a longer support cycle would be a good thing for Debian. I’m prepared to do the necessary work for the packages that I maintain and would also be prepared to do some of the work in other areas that is needed (EG back-porting security fixes).

15 January 2008

Andrew Pollock: [tech] zomg Zonbu!

Zonbu I've been quietly coveting the Zonbu for a number of months now. I finally caved in and ordered one when we got back from Australia, with the intention of using it to replace minotaur, the computer that exports my RAID10 via ATA over Ethernet to my MythTV box. minotaur is the old daedalus, which I bought back around 2000. It's a VA Linux Pentium III. It's old, noisy, and has no idea what power management is. The Zonbu has more grunt than it (in terms of BogoMIPS), and it's a fraction of the size. Our linen cupboard is now significantly quieter (and hopefully cooler). Heck, hopefully the power bill will be lower as well. Anyway, I put the order in when we returned from Australia, with the expectation that it'd turn up some time while Sarah was in hospital, or shortly afterwards, and I could use the rest of the month that I was off work to play with it. Well, I got an email on the 31st of December, telling me they were out of stock, and unless I wanted to pay $29 more for one with built-in WiFi, I'd have to wait until mid-January. As I just couldn't see the point of having WiFi (or spending more money) and not needing the thing in a hurry anyway, because I had more important things to worry about in the meantime, I opted to wait. This morning, I emailed them to enquire about whether or not more stock had arrived, and they emailed back to say that they were still waiting, but they'd found one they could sell to me anyway. The company happens to be close by in Menlo Park, so I picked it up today in our travels. Let me just say that it is a very cool little computer, just if you use it for its intended purpose. It's running a customised Gentoo Linux, with a 2.6.22 kernel. I'm a bit surprised about their choice of Gentoo. I think they'd be better off partnering with Canonical, given that Mark Shuttleworth is trying to make a Linux distribution easy enough for his grandmother to use. That'd take the work of engineering the operating system out of the equation, then they could just focus on the hardware and a bit of integration with Amazon's S3. The thing I have to give them mad props for is documenting how to hack the tripe out of the box. They tell you how to enable root. They tell you how to enable PXE booting. So once I figured out that the front USB port seems to get treated slightly differently for a USB keyboard than the back ones, it was very easy to PXE boot it and install Debian. I initially started with trying to install Etch, but I kept getting missed interrupts on the CompactFlash device, which resulted in the filesystems panicking. So I gave up and went with Lenny, and presumably because it also uses 2.6.22, everything seemed to go fine. The box comes with a 4Gb CompactFlash card, which is ample for my needs. It's running the 686-optimised kernel, which is probably not ideal, but works. We'll see how things go. Interestingly, I blew another hard drive power supply, exactly like last time. I've no idea if it's the act of plugging everything back in again that's causing the problem, or they're generally flaky, and they don't fail until they're powered off and back on again. Maybe that IEC Y-cable wasn't such a good idea after all. I've now run out of spare power supplies, so I'm going to have to get some more for when these two inevitably fry themselves. Overall, I'm very pleased with this purchase, but it's a bit early to see how it's going to perform. I can't imagine it's going to perform worse than the computer it's replacing, but it was probably never intended for what I'm using it for either... Oh, and I discovered vblade-persist, which seems to be a very nice framework for managing ATA over Ethernet exports. Now I just need to get my hands on a big tub of Lego to build a nice chassis for the whole thing.

25 November 2007

Christian Perrier: News from D-I i18n

It's quite some time since I didn't blog about D-I i18n and the number of new languages we'll support in the next Debian version, lalala... A few works are on their way, indeed:

20 October 2007

Jordi Mallach: You might get an email from me tonight

Sometime in August, I said I would watch the Inbox Zero talk later on that day. Well, I finally did today. And I'm ready to mass-murder my (now not so) fat inbox folder and start from scratch, and becoming a good boy. In fact, I've been on probation for a few weeks. While I wasn't watching the talk (which is pretty insightful and fun, and useful if you also have these horrid mail handling problems) I did roll up my sleeves a few times and worked on reducing the problem. After a few rounds of fighting, things were looking slightly better. I deleted TONS of spam which still was sitting in there. I deleted entire threads of list mail which for some reason wasn't being filtered properly. I archived a lot of random, misc email. I even replied to some job offers, for a change. I fixed my .procmailrc a little to get rid of lots of useless stuff that appears in my mail. It got better, but not entirely better. I went from the 6600~ which was probably the figure when I said Enough! to around 2580. It's still a lot, and I can still get rid of a lot more with easy pattern searches in mutt. The good news is that, for the first time in ages, the number of emails in the mailbox has stayed stable for more than a month. I tell you: I'm proud! So Merlin gets asked in the talk what to do when you've been a naughty boy for a long time, and you've ended up with this HUGE mailbox you can't handle anymore. His answer was what some people suggested in blog comments: put it aside, start from zero. Merlin calls it mail-DMZ, and that's probably what I'll do in a few hours, admittedly with a sentiment of guilt deep in my chest. And from that point, I'll have my mailbox be a TODO list. Delete. Defer. Delegate. Respond. Do. Simple! Other Planet Debian participants like joeyh commented that something that really helps is reducing the number of times you poll for email. For me, that means
set daemon      1800            # Pool every 30 minutes
when it was 5 minutes before. I hope I won't find myself issuing awaken commands often... I remember when, more than five years ago, having more than 100 mails made me feel bad and go cleanup. After some vacation, it went up to 150. Then Christmas came along, 300, until I found myself nearing 7000 last summer. Before moving my junk to a demilitarised mailbox, I'm having some fun replying to some email. The first one in my mailbox is from a member of a Catalan "Mallach" family.
From: Conchita Broquetas <>
Subject: Hola!
Date: Sun, 17 Jun 2001 16:55:17 +0200 (CEST)
who discovered there was a "Jordi Mallach" other than his brother in the Internet. Apparently we had an exchange on where our families came from (Mallach is all but a common surname... anywhere, and my family has always wondered where it came from). So that's more than 6 years ago. I think I'd love to get a reply to some email sent by me years ago which has been sitting for years in a mailbox, because "I need to reply to this sometime". I think the Mallach-Broquetas are getting one tonight. If you think I'm dumping random thoughts on a vim buffer, it's probably due to me feeling sad today. Sorry, but I feel like typing, and I don't have a typewriter with me. Speaking of sad, nothing beats the next email which sat for some dramatic 6 months in my messy inbox until I found out in the worst of the possible scenarios. Let's go back to late February, 2004, when I had no job, and I didn't have a clue on what to do with my life.
From: Mark Shuttleworth <>
Subject: New project to discuss
To: Jordi Mallach <>
Date: Sun, 29 Feb 2004 18:33:51 +0000
I'm hiring a team of debian developers to work full time on a new
distribution based on Debian. We're making internationalisation a prime
focus, together with Python and regular release management. I've discussed
it with a number of Debian leaders and they're all very positive about it.
I'm not sure if I totally missed it as it came in, or I skimmed through it and thought WTF?! Dude on crack or I just forgot I need to reply to this email , but I'd swear it was the former. Not long after, popped up, the rumours started spreading around Debian channels. Luckily, I got a job at LliureX two months later, where I worked during the following 2 years, but that's another story. I guess it was July or so when Ubuntu was made public, and Mark and his secret team organised a conference (blog entries [1] [2] [3] [4] [5]), just before the Warty release, and I was invited to it, for the same reasons I got that email. During that conference, probably because Mark sent me some email and I applied a filter to get to it, I found the lost email, and felt like digging a hole to hide for a LONG while. I couldn't believe the incredible opportunity I had missed. I went to Mark and said "hey, you're not going to believe this", and he did look quite surprised about someone being such an idiot. I wonder if I should reply to his email today...

19 October 2007

Mike Hommey: Gobuntu and Firefox

You may remember, a while ago, Mark Shuttleworth announced that there would be a 100% free version of Ubuntu Gutsy Gibbon :
Ubuntu 7.10 will feature a new flavour - as yet unnamed - which takes an ultra-orthodox view of licensing: no firmware, drivers, imagery, sounds, applications, or other content which do not include full source materials and come with full rights of modification, remixing and redistribution.
Later, we learned it would be named Gobuntu. Well, they didn’t quite follow their promise. Yes, Gobuntu includes Firefox, making it a pretty useless failed attempt. By the way, I’m still amazed so many people believe it was all about the trademarks. For them, I’ll quote something I wrote a year ago:
Trademark and copyright are different things. Mozilla has unnecessarily given a non-free license to clarify the trademark situation, but that is not required. To make it clear: Debian thinks the logos are not free because they are not free. Period.
I’m glad at least Mark Pilgrim got it right. Update: And as seen on Planet Mozilla, Robert Sayre obviously still hasn’t understood the issue.

25 July 2007

John Goerzen: OSCon Wednesday

Nat Torkington, program chair, started off the day. He commented that one of the most interesting trends these days is the expansion of the Open Source ideals beyond software.

Tim O'Reilly commented about the FSF's four freedoms, and asked how we maintain them. We have to think about preserving freedoms -- questions such as Free Software that relies on proprietary services, data, or business processes. It's important to remember to pay attention to freedom and not just to the success of businesses. But businesses matter and have enormous power and will always be related.

Tim really pushed expanding the boundaries of Open Source and thinking ahead: wikipedia, OpenID, etc. He also asked: does Congress need a version control system?

He suggested there are four open source success factors: frictionless software distribution, collaborative development, freedom to build/adapt/extend, freedom to fork.

Hadoop is an interesting FLOSS project to build some infrastructure like Google has. Apparently Yahoo is very interested.

Back to Nat... hardware is cheap and everyone keeps buying more of it.

James Reinders from Intel talking about multi-core parallelism. Saying that parallelism is going to be more and more important. Intel released threading building blocks, a series of templates for C++, as GPL'd software at the conference this week. I'm not all that excited about a C++ project, though, since I think languages like Haskell have more promise here anyway.

The other Intel guy mentioned Intel's open source involvement:,,, kernel,org, Linux laptops have the longest runtimes compared to other laptops.

"It's amazing how many people you can make paranoid by showing up with a tie and a suit to do a keynote at OSCON." -- James Reinders

Simon Peyton-Jones is up now, and Nat says he will "stretch your brain until only tiny bits are left."

State of the art in parallelism is really 30 years old with locks and condition variables -- like building a skyscraper out of bananas.

Locks are difficult to do right and have "diabolical error recovery".

Let's do transactions against memory instead of against a database. Implementation can even be similar to databases. The idea is transactional memory, and it sounds very, very slick.

Mark Shuttleworth and Tim for an interview...

Mark was fine, but I wish Tim had more interesting questions for him.

I went up to the front a few minutes after the event to talk to Simon PJ. He was talking to someone, who saw my nametag, and said, "Hi John, nice to meet you." He looked familiar but I couldn't quite place him, so I asked who he was. "Mark Shuttleworth." Yep, I was sitting just far enough back from the stage that I wasn't behind one of the large TV screens and couldn't make out faces real well, and I didn't recognize him. Erg..

20 July 2007

Isaac Clerencia: eBox slated to be the official Ubuntu server management tool

According to the latest news from the Ubuntu camp, Gutsy Gibbon will ship with our beloved eBox, and according to the last post in this thread in the Ubuntu forums, it’s going to be the official configuration tool for services. I went to aKademy with eBox lead developer and workmate, Javier Uruen, and we had the chance to attend to Mark Shuttleworth’s keynote, where he argued about the benefits of having a six-months release cycle for the most popular open source projects (i.e., KDE, Gnome and OpenOffice). I think this release cycle would suit eBox quite well too, and if synced with Ubuntu releases, would make life easier for both eBox developers and packagers, besides enlarging the free software “pulse”. In any case, we’ll continue to provide Debian-based installers where the base system won’t change that often, for those who are not willing to update their servers each six months. Anyway, this is a big leap towards world domination for eBox :) We are quite happy that eBox made into Ubuntu and we’ll be eager to work with the maintainers to integrate their changes back into eBox. disclaimer: I’m not an “official” eBox developer, so don’t take my opinions as authoritative, they come mostly from pub-talk with Javier

16 July 2007

Russell Coker: A Free-Software Only Laptop

Mark Shuttleworth asks if people are interested in a high-end free-software laptop (it seems that Linspire is leading in the low-end free-software laptop stakes). I am interested in such things. My last couple of laptops have been Thinkpad T series. They are reasonably light (not really heavy), are reasonably fast, have full-size keyboards and reasonable size screens (currently got a 1400×1050 screen on a 3yo laptop). Unfortunately for Mark I’m planning on making my current Thinkpad last for another three years. The idea makes a lot of sense because laptops are not re-purposed very often. It’s quite common for a desktop machine or a server to be re-installed several times over it’s life - and often having significant hardware changes during the process. Laptops are extremely difficult for hardware upgrades to the degree that by the time people desire an upgrade it often makes sense to buy a new one. So having a BIOS that only supports Linux and prevents the machine from ever being used to run a lesser OS is not likely to reduce the utility of the machine. The benefit of better Linux integration is that the greater degree of hardware control would decrease the power use and extend battery life. Maybe in three years time I’ll buy a LinuxBIOS machine second-hand from a Ubuntu user.

20 June 2007

Edd Dumbill: Why Bazaar rocks, and the highs and lows of its use with Rails

While Subversion is for many the source code revision system of choice, I've never stopped long with it myself. Why? Because it's mostly a fixed-up CVS, and doesn't fix the really gnarly problem with revision control: merging.Mark Shuttleworth has written an insightful little article on the key aspects of merging source code. Some of the points he makes underpin my choice of revision control system.For several years now I've been a very contented user of Bazaar, in its first arch-based incarnation, and now in its latter form. The key reason has been ease of merging.While most articles praising Bazaar are reports of open source development, I've also found it very handy for small in-house teams working on web applications.There are very often multiple arcs of development going on at once, and the ease of merging makes it easy to ensure that long-running development arcs don't get ridiculously far from the main trunk of development. Bazaar's merging also makes it easier for lead developers to police the merging of the code base.Using Bazaar with Rails and other toolsWorking mostly with Rails, one repeatedly runs up against the assumption that Subversion is the golden path for revision control. This is perhaps a little telling about the level of participation most Rails-based projects have reached.The tools story for a Bazaar user is both good and bad.The goodThe bad

2 June 2007

loldebian - Can I has a RC bug?: dude ur getting a dell

Dell not want

dude ur getting a dell. do not want

Mark Shuttleworth, Keith Packard, Bdale Garbee

Mexico, Debconf6, 2006

Pic by Nattie Mayer-Hutchings, submission by Ben Hutchings

